ProRaster Help – Layer Properties
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Layer Properties
Access the layer properties by clicking on the layer item in the tree control. The layer property sheet will be displayed containing the Layer, and Color property pages. Properties can be one of four different types – local, default, override and propagated.
What property pages and the properties presented in those pages depends upon the product tier, the product licensing and the layer type.
Layer page
Name: You are encouraged to name your layers as this is reflected in the tree. Layers are named by default when you first connect a raster source to the primary component of a layer.
Description: A short, optional, description of the layer.
Enable: Enable or disable the layer from the tree or from this property. This will prevent the layer being rendered.
Valid cell by component rule: A default value for the VCBC rule is acquired from the algorithm properties, but you can override it for individual layers. Override the property by checking the box then selecting the VCBC rule. For more information, see the section on algorithm properties.
Coordinate system (default): This is a propagated property and is acquired from components, or rasters used in the components. In turn, it may be propagated up to the algorithm. If you override the coordinate system (see next item), this setting will change to reflect that. Note that this coordinate system, apart from it’s role in propagating a coordinate system to the algorithm, is never used when actually rendering.
Coordinate system (override): To specify the coordinate system and to override the default coordinate system, select a recently used coordinate system from the drop-list or hit the button to select a coordinate system using the Projection Selection dialog.
Color page
Make greyscale: Check the box to modify the color of the rendered layer to greyscale.
Color – Intensity balance: This control is provided to achieve a visually pleasing balance between the saturation of the color in the layer and the intensity of the hill-shading. The value ranges from 0 to 100. At zero, color saturation is minimum and hill-shading intensity is maximum. From 0 to 50 the color saturation increases until it reaches a maximum at 50. From 50 to 100 the hill-shading intensity decreases until it reaches a minimum at 100. For example, drag the control up to about 60 – 70 so fade out the hill-shading a bit and focus more on the color imagery.
Opacity: The opacity of the layer from 0 (transparent) to 255 (opaque). You will need to change the algorithm blending mode to “Blend” for this control to be accessible.
Color Interpolation: This is an override property. It will override the same property in components. This sets the interpolation method used to generate underview tiles for color and opacity components. Toggle the checkbox to override the property and select from the drop-list. The following methods are available – Nearest neighbour, Linear, Local cubic spline, Global cubic spline, and Default.
This interpolation method will be used for the Color component in a LUT Color layer, the Red, Green, and Blue components in an RGB Color layer, and the Image component in an Image layer. It is also used for Opacity components.
Color Nearest: This is an override property. It will override the same property in components. Tile data at any resolution level may have to be interpolated to provide data that is aligned with the pixel grid and centred on the pixel centres. ProRaster works to try to avoid this in most scenarios to maximise data and image quality. When ProRaster needs to interpolate, it will use either nearest neighbour or bi-linear interpolation. The choice will depend on the field type and band data type. If possible, it will default to using bi-linear. You can override this by toggling the override checkbox and checking the nearest neighbour box.
This interpolation method will be used for the Color component in a LUT Color layer, the Red, Green, and Blue components in an RGB Color layer, and the Image component in an Image layer. It is also used for Opacity components.