Clip to Raster Operation
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The Clip to Raster operation outputs an MVR virtual raster that is a copy of an input source, clipped to a raster mask. An input source can be a raster source or a raster file. If the raster source contains multiple raster files, then they are merged. Clip to Raster supports batch processing where multiple raster inputs can be processed serially.
This operation applies the cell validity of the mask raster to the source raster. Valid cell data will only be retained in the output MVR where cell data is valid in both the source raster and the mask raster. Where either the source raster or the mask raster cells are invalid, the output MVR cells will be invalid.
This is just the same as using the Mask component in the rendering algorithm to prevent the rendering of pixels where they are not defined in the mask raster. However, in this case, that masking is actually applied to the raster directly, so that for operations performed on the MVR thereafter, the masked pixel data will not exist.
If you clip a raster source that references multiple raster files, then this operation is like combining a Join operation with a clipping function. Consequently, there is no need to Join rasters and then clip them – this operation performs those two functions in one step.