Conditioning Operation

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The Conditioning operation outputs an MVR virtual raster that applies a data conditioning filter to a selected field, or to a selected band, of an input raster source.

Each raster source you select, and each raster file you select by browsing, are treated as a separate input. If a raster source contains multiple raster files, then the output MVR will merge these files. Condition supports batch processing where multiple raster inputs can be processed serially.

You can choose a data conditioning resource from any that you have defined using the Data Conditioning Editor.

Choose the field that it will be applied to. You can apply it to all bands in the field or to a particular band. You can also override the output data type of the bands just in case the data type of the source band is not suitable for the output band. This will depend on what kinds of operations the data conditioning filter applies. For example, if you apply a transform operation, this may require you to generate floating point output data bands.