Rendering a Scene

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In the scene browser, select a scene and right-click to bring up a context menu. You will be presented with options to “Display scene”, “Render scene” and “Export scene”.

Choose “Display scene” to open the key scene MVR file in a default algorithm in the main ProRaster interface. It chooses a Look-up Table color layer, so you can explore all the fields, bands, and events of the raster. If you wish to keep the algorithm, use the normal mechanism to save it to an MRD file.

Choose “Render scene” to open the key scene MVR file in a default algorithm in the main ProRaster interface. In this case, it uses a RGB layer and it needs to assign spectral bands to the red, green, and blue color components. The following dialog is displayed to enable you to exercise control over the band assignments.

Firstly, select the spectral target. ProRaster will automatically select the most advanced spectral target, and this is usually the best choice. You may be presented with the following options, depending on what spectral data is available in the scene –

  • Digital Numbers
  • TOA Digital Numbers (top of atmosphere)
  • BOA Digital Numbers (bottom of atmosphere / surface reflectance)
  • TOA Radiance (top of atmosphere)
  • TOA Reflectance (top of atmosphere)
  • BOA Reflectance (bottom of atmosphere / surface reflectance)

The choice of spectral target may modify the number of spectral bands available.

Secondly, choose a band combination. There are about 20 standard combinations, but how many you see in the list will be determined by what spectral bands you have available in your scene. Regardless of what band combination you choose, you can always manually change the band assignments (both in this dialog, and later in the algorithm editor interface). ProRaster currently offers the following band combinations.

Natural Color                                                                        Red, Green, Blue

Natural Color with Atmospheric Removal                      SWIR2, NIR, Green

Natural Color with Atmospheric Removal High             SWIR1, NIR, Green

False Color                                                                            Blue, Green, Red

False Color (Urban)                                                              SWIR2, SWIR1, Red

False Color Infrared (Vegetation)                                      NIR, Red, Green

False Color (Vegetation and Water)                                NIR, SWIR2, Coastal

False Color (Vegatative Analysis)                                      NIR, RDEG2, Red (Landsat 1-5 MSS)

Shortwave Infrared                                                             SWIR2, NIR, Red

Short-Wave Infrared Narrow                                             SWIR2, NWIR, Red

Color Infrared                                                                       RDEG2, Red, Green (Landsat 1-5 MSS)

Agriculture                                                                            SWIR1, NIR, Blue

Healthy Vegetation                                                              NIR, SWIR1, Blue

Vegetation Analysis                                                             SWIR1, NIR, Red

Geology                                                                                 SWIR2, SWIR1, Blue

Bare Earth                                                                             SWIR1, Green, Blue

Fire Scar                                                                                SWIR2, NIR, Blue

Land/Water                                                                          NIR, SWIR1, Red

Bathymetric                                                                          Red, Green, Coastal

Atmospheric Penetration                                                   SWIR2, SWIR1, NIR

Atmospheric Penetration B                                               SWIR2, SWIR1, NWIR

RGB(NIR,SWIR1,SWIR2)                                                       NIR, SWIR1, SWIR2

Select the desired band combination and the appropriate spectral bands will be chosen for the Red, Green, and Blue components. You can modify these as you see fit.

If the scene contains a Panchromatic band, then you will be able to turn on pan-sharpening. The appropriate pan spectral band is chosen.

If the scene contains a Mask field, then you can turn on raster masking and choose a mask band. ProRaster may have prepared one or more of the following mask bands.

Pixels (Clear)                         Unobstructed pixels retained

Pixels (+ largely clear)         Largely unobstructed pixels retained

Pixels (+ partly clear)          Partly obstructed pixels retained

Land (Clear)                          Unobstructed pixels classified as Land retained

Water (Clear)                        Unobstructed pixels classified as Water retained

Snow (Clear)                         Unobstructed pixels classified as Snow (or Ice) retained

Hit OK and the algorithm will be constructed and opened in the main ProRaster interface. If you wish to keep the algorithm, use the normal mechanism to save it to an MRD file.

The “Export scene” option will take you to the Export processing operation dialog. For a description of this dialog, see the Processing menu help section. You can use this operation to convert the scene key virtual raster into a crystallised raster in either MRR format, or a transferrable raster format. In the latter case, each band (of each field and event) is output to a separate raster and all the rasters are placed into a structured folder. You can modify the output by selecting the resolution level to target, choosing to export all events or just the latest event, and selecting the fields and bands to export.