Using the RGB Combinations Editor
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From the “Browse Scenes” menu button in the main interface, select the “RGB Combinations Editor” menu item to open the RGB Combinations Editor dialog. In this dialog you can –
- Add new Red-Green-Blue band combinations.
- Delete band combinations you have defined previously.
- Change the default data transform for the Red, Green, Blue, and Pan components, when the system creates a rendering algorithm using an RGB Layer for a spectral raster.
In the top section of the dialog, you can add new band combinations. Give your new band combination a unique name and then associated the desired spectral bands with each of the Red, Green, and Blue components. Once you have defined all four required parameters, hit the “+” button to create the new band combination.
In the central section of the dialog, you can delete any band combinations that you have defined previously. The system does not allow you to delete system defined band combinations, but you can delete any band combinations you have manually defined.
Your new band combination will be visible whenever you render a spectral raster from the Multispectral Scene Database browser dialog or the Multispectral Product Database editor dialog. To be visible, the spectral dataset must contain the required spectral bands used in the combination.
In the bottom section of the dialog, you can change the default data transform that is used in the rendering algorithms you generate for spectral rasters. In a rendering algorithm for spectral data, you must define a data transform for spectral data values to the system primary color tables, for the Red, Green, Blue and Pan components (if defined). For every band combination an appropriate default transform will be assigned, but you can reassign these to a different transform of your own design if you wish.
Firstly, choose the RGB band combination that you want to edit. You can edit both the new combinations you have added via this dialog, or the system combinations. Then, select the spectral target. Provision is made to define different transforms for spectral digital numbers, radiance, and reflectance, because the data range for each of these kinds of data are likely to be different. Then select the component you want to edit.
When you select a component, the name of the data transform is displayed. The list will contain the default system defined transforms as well as any data transforms that you have added and defined manually using the Data Transform Editor. It follows that you ought to have created an appropriate data transform (or multiple) in the Data Transform Editor first. In most cases you will assign the same data transform to all four components, but you can assign a different transform to each component if you wish.
Hit “OK” to save the changes you have made in this dialog. These settings are stored in your “user hidden data application” resources file. If you hit “Cancel” to exit the dialog, all the changes you have made are discarded.