ProRaster Scientific Updates

On this page, you will a table describing the new features and other changes made in each update to ProRaster Scientific.

For instructional videos that describe new features in each update, visit the ProRaster Updates page.

Release 3.0.00 Major Version

This release for ProRaster Scientific contains new features, improvements, modifications, and bug fixes. ProRaster Premium and ProRaster Essential received major functionality upgrades in this major version release.

FeatureProfile tool: Load single or multiple profiles from a MapInfo Pro table in the interactive Profile tool.
FeatureProfile tool: Save single or multiple profiles to a MapInfo Pro table (coordinates only) or to a CSV text file (all profile data).
FeatureArea tool: Save polygon to a MapInfo Pro table.
ImprovementThe Map Window Mode option allows you to work with the Preview, Preview+External, or External maps (default).
ModificationRight click on any map and select "Edit Algorithm" to bring the main dailog to the front and select the appropriate algorithm.
Bug fixProfile tool: Vertical scaling of multiple profiles was broken.
Bug fixArea tool: Distance around the polygon was computed incorrectly.
Bug fixRedraw after adding layers to an algorithm from the MSS Scene browser.
TestedSentinel-2C L1C and L2A scene support.
RemovedUI skin support.

Release 2.5.03 Maintenance Version

This release for ProRaster Scientific contains new features, improvements, modifications, and bug fixes.

FeatureCompare Profile extracts profiles from multiple rasters along the same baseline.
FeatureCompute the differential between rasters when comparing profiles.
ImprovementDefine the number of items in the table when creating a color table map from a color table.
ImprovementImproved default raster source selection for profiles and interactive raster source selection.
ImprovementVirtual raster (MVR) now supports a raster source as a field input.
ModificationYou can no longer source profile data from layers that are disabled.
ModificationSimplified interpolation overrides in the UI at algorithm and layer scope.
ModificationAdded a "Middle Value" band to classified rasters generated from a legend.
ModificationExport legends matching the size of the color table when color interpolation is not enabled.
Bug fixRemoved reprojection optimisation for Azimuthal and Conic projections to fix polar reprojection issues.
Bug fixSome processing dialogs had a general fault that reset properties inappropriately.

Release 2.5.02 Maintenance Version

This release for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium, and ProRaster Essential contains improvements, modifications, and bug fixes.

ImprovementPan Fly mode. Hit CTRL and move the mouse to ballistically Pan Fly.
ImprovementDisplay a spectral index, or add a spectral index for a scene to an algorithm from the MSS Scene Database editor.
ModificationAdditional UI controls are now hidden when the Minimise UI option is enabled.
ModificationBlending (layer transparency and opacity modulation) is now enabled in all algorithms by default.
Bug fixMemory access violation associated with RGB color sources.

Release 2.5.01 Maintenance Version

This release for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium, and ProRaster Essential contains improvements, modifications, and bug fixes.

ImprovementContour labels 4 characters or longer follow the contour line.
ImprovementContour labels are rendered where the baseline curvature is minimised.
ImprovementNew pathways to create algorithms and layers for rasters located in archives or in the cloud.
ModificationRight click on a map to bring the algorithm editor dialog to the front.
ModificationUpgrading to this version will reset options to default.
ModificationAccess to some system options is restricted when Minimise UI is enabled.
ModificationTile size for exported image matches rendering tile size when the algorithm contains a contour layer.
Bug fixProfile vertical scaling was incorrect for rasters with defined data units.
Bug fixContour rendering was not being clipped to the algorithm extent within tiles.

Release 2.5.0 Minor Version

This release for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium, and ProRaster Essential contains new features, improvements and modifications, and bug fixes.

The new Contour Layer renders contours for rasters of any size, at any scale, in realtime.

FeatureContour layer with high density minor line dropout and major line labelling.
ImprovementNew option to control the tile size when exporting to MRR raster format.
ImprovementNew option to specify the unit for all output bands when exporting to MRR raster format.
ImprovementNew options on the OK button to save an operation virtual raster without displaying it.
ImprovementRun length encoding is now supported for 1/2/4 and 64 bit unsigned integer index band in classified rasters.
ImprovementUniqueByName option added to the raster source editor.
ImprovementSupport added for chained GDAL virtual file system directives in raster source filenames.
ImprovementSupport added for Sentinel2C. Requires testing once data becomes available.
ModificationAll rasters using a /vsi.../ directive are automatically handled by the GDAL driver exclusively.
ModificationEnabled editing of the "Open rasters in base support mode" setting in the Driver Preferences dialog.
Modification"Always render using filtering" is now the default option.
Bug fixData transforms that map specified values to an index were returning a valid index for intermediate values.
Bug fixChanging the "Invalid beyond clip limits" option would not always apply immediately.
Bug fixChanging the "Color - Intensity balance" option would not always apply immediately.
Bug fixIf you connect to an invalid raster source, it was impossible to disconnect from it.
Bug fixWhen you create a new 3D map algorithm from a raster source, grouping was not automatically enabled.
Bug fixFlickering and jittering when zooming in and out has been fixed.
Bug fixZoom extent was not being maintained in 2D map windows when changing raster sources in the algorithm.
UpgradeGDAL 3.9.3

Release 2.4.02 Maintenance Version

This release for ProRaster Scientific contains improvements, modifications, and bug fixes to the 3D Map feature introduced in version 2.4.0.

ImprovementAllow multisampling to be disabled to maximise 3D rendering performance via main Options dialog.
ModificationMultisampling is disabled by default.
ModificationThe surface/texture size is now a maximum size rather than target size.
ModificationBack sort 4X is now the default mode for order-independent transparency.
Bug fixInitiating 3D Fly mode navigation now moves the look-at to the eye.
Bug fix3D Auto-stack scaling.
Bug fix3D stacking offset when changing scale mode.
Bug fixOrder-independent transparency method was not being read from stored options.

Release 2.4.01 Maintenance Version

This release for ProRaster Scientific contains improvements, modifications, and bug fixes to the 3D Map feature introduced in version 2.4.0.

Improvement3D Surfaces are now related to Groups making it easier to build stacked surfaces.
ImprovementBallistic 3D zoom for Drag, Explore and Spin mode (hold middle mouse button).
ImprovementReduced redraw cost for some property changes to 3D maps.
ImprovementImproved control over scale and vertical offset for stacked 3D surfaces.
Bug fixSome algorithm property changes were not triggering updates to 3D maps.

Release 2.4.0 Minor Version

This release for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium, and ProRaster Essential contains new features, improvements and modifications, and bug fixes.

3D Maps provide a new way to visualise your algorithm. Add a 3D surface layer to the algorithm and drape the algorithm imagery on the 3D surface.

Feature3D Map window.
Feature3D Surface layer for 3D Map rendering.
ImprovementWhen group and layer swapping, the current group or layer name is displayed in the map.
ImprovementWhen group and layer swapping, on-screen buttons allow you to move forward and back.
ImprovementThe Open menu button has been reorganised and a New 3D Algorithm menu is available.
ModificationWe no longer close external map windows when you open the preview map window.
ModificationWe no longer close the preview map window when you open an external map window.
ModificationThe algorithm component "Color" tab is now called "Data" for some component types.
Bug fixI now display the "Data" property page for Mask components to allow control over interpolation.
Bug fixLatitude-Longitude coordinates were not displayed correctly in one combination of tooltip modes.
Visual Studio 17.11.2

Release 2.3.0 Minor Version

This is a minor version upgrade for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium, and ProRaster Essential. New features include map tools (marquee zoom, distance, and area), interactive profiling, layer and group swapping, and layer grouping.

FeatureLayer grouping.
FeatureDistance tool. Distance report.
FeatureArea tool. Area report.
FeatureProfile tool. Profile report.
FeatureMap group and layer swapping.
FeatureCopy layer and component properties to other layers in the group or algorithm.
ImprovementContext menu added to maps. Tooltip settings and Zoom to options are on this menu.
ImprovementPointer tool.
ImprovementMarquee zoom in tool.
ImprovementMarquee zoom out tool.
ImprovementPan tool.
ImprovementPixel scale factor option.
ImprovementThe algorithm tree maintains the collapsed/expanded state of all tree items.
ModificationAllow the Classify Polygons operation to group by any selected column in the table.
Bug fixRespond to left and right arrow key presses in the Time Control Panel.
Bug fixLatitude-Longitude coordinates were not displayed correctly in one combination of tooltip modes.
Bug fixOccassional failure to acquire raster information for an open raster due to incorrect request for non-const access.
Bug fixClassify Polygons operation query option was not working.

Release 2.2.17 Maintenance

This is a maintenance upgrade for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium, and ProRaster Essential.

ImprovementWe now ship the Fabio Crameri Scientific Colour Maps.
ImprovementWhen using the Rotate color transform, match the number of colors in the selected color table.
ImprovementWhen you select a color map or legend, the same data transform is automatically selected.
Bug fixCET and FCSCM external folders were being serialised.

Release 2.2.15 Maintenance

This is a maintenance upgrade for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium, and ProRaster Essential. It contains new features, improvements, and bug fixes.

The Declutter Operation can be used to remove isolated cells, islands, and tendrils from a raster.

FeatureDeclutter Operation.
ImprovementMSS Scene Browser supports full resolution scene previews supporting RGB band combinations, pansharpening, and pixel masking.
ImprovementMSS Scene Browser supports full resolution scene previews of spectral indices.
ImprovementRecent Rasters and Recent Output Rasters added to the Add Layer menu.
ImprovementOverview cell coverage control in driver preferences.
ImprovementOverview cell coverage control in MRR Advanced export.
UpgradeVisual Studio 17.10.2, ZLIB 1.3.1, JPEG 9f, LZMA 24.06, LIBPNG 1.6.43
Bug fixMSS Scene Browser shipping bug resolved.
Bug fixStore executable was unstable on Win10 and Win11.
Bug fixClassify Polygons dialog was crashing when retrieving column data for a query.
Bug fixWhen using "Edit In Place" in the Declutter operation, the raster will still be properly finalised if you cancel.
Bug fixConnected the Declutter Operation and Transform Operation to the appropriate Help URL.

Release 2.2.13 Maintenance

This is a maintenance upgrade for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium, and ProRaster Essential. It contains upgrades.

The compiler and some third-party libraries were updated to the latest versions. A build issue that caused instability in the previous version was rectified.

Release 2.2.12 Maintenance

This is a maintenance upgrade for ProRaster Scientific. It contains bug fixes.

Release 2.2.11 Maintenance

This is a maintenance upgrade for ProRaster Scientific. It contains improvements.

The Multispectral Scene Browser now supports a full rendering preview of the selected scene either as an RGB band combination with pan-sharpening and pixel masking, or as a computed spectral index.

ImprovementMSS Scene Browser supports full resolution scene previews supporting RGB band combinations, pansharpening, and pixel masking.
ImprovementMSS Scene Browser supports full resolution scene previews of spectral indices.

Release 2.2.10 Maintenance

This is a maintenance upgrade for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium, and ProRaster Essential. It contains new features, improvements, and bug fixes.

The new Classify Polygons Operation generates an MRR format raster from a MapInfo Pro table containing polygons.

FeatureClassify Polygons Operation
ImprovementRasters recently output from processing operations are remembered.
ImprovementRasters recently browsed to in algorithm editing or processing operation are remembered.
ImprovementRecently output rasters can be opened from the main algorithm opening drop menu button.
ImprovementRecently accessed rasters can be selected from a menu wherever a browse option exists.
ImprovementRaster Report now includes all band values for a classified field.
ImprovementThe cell value report is now mirrored in a spreadsheet on the "Table" property page.
ImprovementThe cell value report can be displayed continuously in a spreadsheet in "Key + All data table" mode.
ImprovementThe cell value report and cell value table now display all bands in classified raster fields.
ModificationYou can only acquire a cell value report or table from the current algorithm.
ModificationExport (render) button removed and added to the Processing menu.
ModificationInfo button in Raster Source Editor removed and integrated into the menu button.
ModificationRaster information report dialog is larger by default.
ModificationAuto-open exported MRR from Export Raster operation.
ModificationHit close window button on any editor dialog, prompt to save changes if there are any.
ModificationReport Cell Value is only turned off for new Image layers that contain imagery.
ModificationImproved F1 help context which switching between windows.
ModificationThe algorithm invalid cell color default was changed to prevent clashes with the default null color value.
ModificationExporting a raster information report to file now outputs the entire classification table.
Bug fixRaster source names may not be unique when adding layers to an algorithm from the scene browser or product editor.
Bug fixWhen adding layers to algorithms from the product editor it was not assigning the appropriate color table.
Bug fixLandsat scenes with expected but missing raster data files could cause the scene assembly raster to fail to mount.
Bug fixA bug was resolved in a low-level data storage class.
Bug fixAlgorithm invalid pixel color was not being recorded in the algorithm when pure opaque green.
Bug fixSystem Color Ramps were being defined with zero opacity.
Bug fixProcessing menu icons were not displaying correctly.
Bug fixWhen you browse to output MRR in Export, it does not initialise the filename with the current output filename.
Bug fixFile save dialogs were not opening at the indicated folder.
Bug fixExport to legend may include an unnecessary class or output the wrong number of classes.
Bug fixOverriding a raster coordinate system in a rendering component did not enable reprojection of the algorithm.
Known BugIf you override the coordinate system of a raster in a rendering component the cell value tool may not work. The work-around is to create a raster source for the raster and define the coordinate system in the advanced properties. This is the best way to resolve coordinate system issues for rasters.

Release 2.2.09 Maintenance

This is a maintenance upgrade for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium, and ProRaster Essential. It contains new features, improvements, and bug fixes.

The new Classify Raster Operation generates a virtual raster that performs raster classification. Use it to generate true classified rasters from pseudo-classified rasters often delivered as TIFF files.

FeatureClassify Raster Operation
ImprovementExport Legend files from Data Transform Editor.
ModificationThe Data Transform Editor displays the raster preview using the color table in the currently selected layer.
ModificationWhen creating a data transform Table (Index for Value) or a Table (Match Range) or Table (Match Continuous Range) the minimum and maximum values of the current raster, if known, are used to establish the table.
ModificationWhen creating a data transform Table (Match Value) you can opt to populate the table with each of the unique values in the current raster. You must have computed statistics for the raster. The statistics will only be suitable if the data type of the raster is a 16 bit integer (or smaller).
ModificationImproved the flexibility of string to time conversion.
ModificationOn opening the MSS Scene Browser the map view is zoomed to the extent of the scenes.
ModificationOn opening the MSS Product Browser the map view is zoomed to the extent of the products.
Bug fixWhen editing data transform tables, the reported row count is not synced to the actual number of rows.
Bug fixHide "Reverse Transform" and "Full Color Table" options when for the four "Table: Match..." transform types.
Bug fixImproved overriding field type and band value type in the TIFF driver.
Bug fixRaster Source Editor preview map was not using the defined driver preferences.
Bug fixThe Export imagery mini button was not connected (Scientific only).

Release 2.2.08 Maintenance

This is a maintenance upgrade for ProRaster Scientific. It contains improvements and bug fixes.

Release 2.2.07 Maintenance

This is a maintenance upgrade for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium, and ProRaster Essential. It contains improvements and bug fixes.

The user interface has been reworked to separate the rendering algorithm editing controls from the Multispectral Earth Observation Imagery controls and the Raster Processing controls. Algorithm editing property pages have been simplified.

New options are available when exporting to MRR format that improve efficiency and data compression.

ImprovementNew options for crafting efficient MRR raster files in the Export operation.
ImprovementExport operation to MRR now uses multithreading to accelerate performance.
ImprovementRasters that you browse to or load via drag&drop are now remembered and can be reloaded from the Open drop menu button.
Improvement"Display now to layer" option added to MSS Product editor.
ImprovementSupport for drag&drop of multiple raster files by creating a new raster source.
ImprovementRecursive folder search for raster sources using wildcards.
ImprovementFlexible wildcard search for raster sources in ZIP archives.
ImprovementImproved rendering optimisation.
ImprovementCalculator processing operation optimised to improve performance.
ModificationUser interface simplification.
ModificationCreate Raster Mask operation user interface simplified.
ModificationMultispectral Product Browser map is now greyscale and spreadsheet functionality has been restricted.
ModificationYou can now open only one MSS Scene browser or Product browser dialog. To bring the browser window to the front just hit the browser menu button.
Bug fixMemory limit for processing was not being applied.
Bug fixImagery Export in RGB format failed when clipping to a polygon.
Bug fix"Equals" and "Not Equals" calculator operators were not checking for null values.
Bug fixRasters with an unequal cell size were not displaying isotropically.
Bug fixCalculator operation failure for raster sources containing multiple raster files.
Bug fixCreating a layer for a raster source only displayed the first file.

Release 2.2.06 Maintenance

This is a maintenance upgrade for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium, and ProRaster Essential. It contains new features, improvements, and bug fixes.

Tag scenes in your multispectral database as “unusable” to prevent them from being used when creating products either manually or with the Create Product Sequence Wizard.

New options are available when compositing multispectral imagery. Optionally mask pixels to remove cloud or other features. Order scenes to preferentially select pixel values closest to a specified time. Otherwise, use statistics to choose each pixel value – either the median, mean, minimum, or maximum. Or, choose pixel values based on a spectral index computation. Take the pixel value for which the spectral index is minimised, maximised, or closest to a target value.

FeatureCompositing now supports selection of data values by summary statistics including mean and median.
FeatureCompositing now supports selection of data values by spectral index
FeatureScenes are now ranked by "quality" and you can tag scenes as being "unusable".
ImprovementConditioning operation was not outputting multiple events.
ImprovementScenes tagged with an "unusable" quality are not used in the Create Product Sequence Wizard.
ImprovementScenes tagged with an "unusable" quality are not used when creating products.
ImprovementApplication of a mask is now optional in a composited scene or mosaic.
ImprovementMSS: Added "Extant" band to the "Mask" field to represent all observed pixels.
ImprovementCalculator operation was not outputting multiple events.
ModificationCalculator operation usually emits a raster with an extent equal to the intersection of the inputs.
ModificationUse of the term "Collated" was replaced with "Composited".
ModificationScene Assembly MVR mask bands now set masked cells to valid and zero.
ModificationRendering algorithms now interpret valid cells containing a value of zero to be a masked cell.
ModificationRaster Mask operation now considers valid cells containing a value of zero to be a masked cell.
UpgradeVisual Studio 17.9.2.
Bug fixCorrect data transform Ranges: Spread about the mean/median/mode.
Bug fixCorrect data transform Ranges: Deviations about the mean.
Bug fixRemoving duplicate scenes from a MSS SDB was deleting the scene assembly MVR.
Bug fixCorrected some issues in the Create Product Sequence Wizard property pages.
Bug fixIntermediate files were not being deleted by the Create Product Sequence Wizard.
Bug fixManual ordering of scenes in a mosaic was broken.

Release 2.2.05 Maintenance

This is a maintenance upgrade for ProRaster Scientific. It contains performance improvements and bug fixes.

ImprovementMitigated performance issues for virtual rasters containing a large number of operations.
ImprovementCreate Product Wizard now presents a progress/cancel dialog.
ModificationThe MSS folder is now located at :/Users//RGE/MSS.
Bug fixSpectral Index operation fails in some circumstances.
Bug fixCalculator operation fails in some circumstances.
Bug fixScene Assembly MVR operation names were inconsistent.
Bug fixReproject-Resample-Realign operations were not writing relative paths into the MVR file.
Bug fixSpectral Index dialog sometimes opens showing an incorrect index selection.
Bug fixCreate Product Sequence Wizard fails when using the central scene in an acquisition.

Release 2.2.04 Maintenance

This is a maintenance upgrade for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium, and ProRaster Essential.

In addition to new features and many improvements, there are some critical bug fixes in this maintenance update.

FeatureNew: Transformed Sum statistics can now be approximated from product statistics.
FeatureNew: WebMap Overlays provide street map overlays that do not obscure or modify the underlying raster imagery.
EnhancementSelect a color table as a data transform and the color table selection is automatically updated.
EnhancementAdd a new raster source and when you close the editor it is rendered in a new algorithm.
EnhancementWe now record a separate list of recently accessed MRD algorithm files for those created in MSS Products.
EnhancementExport operation to MRR now supports control over the output compression codec.
EnhancementProRaster Premium allows you to change the user interface 'skin' to ProRaster Essential.
EnhancementProRaster Scientific allows you to change the user interface 'skin' to ProRaster Essential.
EnhancementProRaster Scientific allows you to change the user interface 'skin' to ProRaster Premium.
ImprovementCalculator operation for a sequence no longer generates intermediate virtual rasters, improving efficiency.
ImprovementSpectral Index operation for a sequence no longer generates intermediate virtual rasters, improving efficiency.
ImprovementDifference operation for a sequence no longer generates intermediate virtual rasters, improving efficiency.
ImprovementPlot zoom extents are maintained when changing critical algorithm data like projection, raster sources, etc.
UpgradeVisual Studio 17.8.4. ZLIB 1.3.00. LZMA 23.01. LIBPNG 1.6.40. GDAL 3.8.3.
DowngradeThe gdalplugins folder is no longer shipped.
Bug fixFixed a crash accessing a variable that was not thread safe.
Bug fixExporting a multi-file raster source did not use the correct output filenames.
Bug fixFixed a crash associated with coordinate reprojection.
Bug fixFixed a crash associated with coordinate reprojection of polar coordinate systems.

Release 2.2.03 Maintenance

This is a maintenance upgrade for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium, and ProRaster Essential.

In addition to several major new features,  and many improvements, there are some critical bug fixes in this maintenance update.

FeatureNew: Transform and Transform (Batch) processing operations.
FeatureNew: Transform processing operation added to multispectral product processing.
FeatureThe Time Control Panel now ships in ProRaster Premium.
FeatureOpening multiple external map windows now ships in ProRaster Premium.
EnhancementCreate Product Sequence Wizard: Additional options added to the time settings.
EnhancementCreate Product Sequence Wizard: The wizard can now produce non-sequence products.
EnhancementStatistics property pages now display both Equal Frequency (variable width bins) and Equal Width histogram spreadsheets.
EnhancementNew: Tasselled Cap spectral indices for Landsat MSS (1-5), TM (4-7), and OLI (8-9).
EnhancementAdd raster sources to the current algorithm from the Scene and Product Browsers and Product Editor.
EnhancementDelete selected scenes from a scene database.
EnhancementExport dialog supports selection of a range of time points to batch export.
EnhancementDelete multiple selected products in the MSS Product Database Browser dialog.
ModificationCreate Product Sequence Wizard: Improved outcomes for Mosaic Sequences.
ModificationCreate Product Sequence Wizard: Event time allocation now central, duplicate scene selection rules added.
ModificationStatistics spreadsheet (CSV): Added new fields for time offset (in seconds and days) and sum.
ModificationAs you drag the slider in the time control panel the current time string is updated.
ModificationThe Time Control Panel now wraps around when you click forward or back.
ModificationClassify virtual operation XML was made more flexible.
ModificationWhen you remove duplicate scenes from a scene database the Scene Assembly Virtual Raster is deleted.
ModificationImproved statistics serialisation performance.
Bug fixFixed a GeoTIFF data reading bug introduced in 2.0.01.
Bug fixCreate Product Sequence Wizard: Time page bug fixes. Script serialisation bug fix.
Bug fixThreadlock could occur when computing statistics for virtual rasters.
Bug fixThe imagery Export dialog could acquire the map extents from the wrong plot window.
Bug fixWhen computing the range of a band for a manual bandpass the map extents could be acquired from the wrong plot window.
Bug fixFixed a crash when opening more than two MSS Product Browser dialogs.
Bug fixFixed a memory leak in the COG driver.
Bug fixFixed a crash caused by the PDB editor dialog.

Release 2.2.02 Maintenance

This is a maintenance upgrade for ProRaster Scientific and ProRaster Premium.

Performance when opening very large and complex virtual rasters has been vastly improved, considerably improving workflow performance in ProRaster Scientific multispectral product editing.

Version 2.2.02 includes some important bug fixes and minor improvements.

EnhancementReduced time to open complicated virtual rasters.
EnhancementAdded control over the range of the X axis in the multispectral product editor statistics histogram graph.
ModificationWhen cloning product wizard scripts we now retain the script name.
ModificationMirror the product wizard script name in the generated final product.
Bug fixEdits applied to scene databases were not being mirrored in open instances of the database.
Bug fixWhen you delete scene or product databases the menu buttons were not always updated correctly.
Bug fixEditing a product in the create product sequence wizard failed in some circumstances.
Bug fixIncorrect scene compatibility testing prevented creating some MSS products in some circumstances.
Bug fixCrash can occur when closing the MSSPDB Editor dialog.
WithdrawnMapInfo TAB file is no longer written from the Image Export operation.

Release 2.2.01 “The Productivity Edition”

This is a minor version upgrade for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium,  and ProRaster Essential.

This is a significant upgrade for ProRaster Scientific designed to greatly improve user productivity when processing, analysing, and rendering satellite multispectral imagery.

The new Product Sequence Creation Wizard eliminates tedious product creation and editing and makes building and extending sequence products easy.

The Time Control Panel makes it easy to move the time point in a rendering algorithm without editing individual component properties.

The Image Export operation now supports batch export by iterating through all time points. The numbered image sequence can be directly imported into video editing applications to generate timelapse videos of any rendering algorithm based on a sequence product.

Rendering common spectral index rasters has been made easier – the rendering algorithm automatically uses appropriately named color maps that are shipped in this version, or you can make your own. 

Version 2.2.01 includes some important bug fixes and minor improvements.

ProRaster Premium and ProRaster Essential inherit the bug fixes and improvements from the ProRaster Scientific development, some of which are listed below.

FeatureThe Product Sequence Creation Wizard can create and edit Scene and Mosaic Sequences and Collated Sequences.
FeatureThe Time Control Panel window provides control over event & time selection in algorithms.
FeatureAutomatically use appropriate color table maps from UserTables, External folders or SystemMaps for common spectral indices.
FeatureImage Export supports batch export of algorithms by time point, generating a numbered sequence of images.
EnhancementThe Google Maps MebMap URL's have been updated and Google Maps (Altered) was added.
EnhancementCommon spectral indices are now easier to select for computation.
EnhancementSystem color table maps added for commonly used spectral indices.
EnhancementColor tables added from ColorCET (Perceptually uniform colour maps) project.
EnhancementAdded capability to create a Single Scene Mosaic Product that behaves like a Mosaic Product.
ModificationSpectral indices now include a Common category and the index description appears in the dialog selection controls.
ModificationAll selected spectral indices are now written to a single multibanded field in the product MVR.
ModificationDialogs have been modified to better reflect product purchasing options.
ModificationColor table names are now more discoverable.
ModificationAlgorithm raster source names now reflect the product name.
ModificationSentinel2 Processing baselines 2-3 and 4-5 are now considered equivalent for Level2 (BOA/SR) products.

Release 2.1.01

This is a minor version upgrade for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium,  and ProRaster Essential.

This is a significant upgrade for ProRaster Scientific. Support for Sentinel2 processing baselines 4+ and 5+ has been added. Support for Landsat Collection 2 has been improved with native COG support.

Version 2.1.01 includes some important bug fixes and minor improvements.

ProRaster Premium and ProRaster Essential inherit the bug fixes and improvements from the ProRaster Scientific development, some of which are listed below.

FeatureMultispectral data bands can now be duplicated to MRR format to correct errors and improve performance.
FeatureAn additional Options dialog for multispectral satellite data is available in ProRaster Scientific.
UpgradeThe native TIFF driver now reads Cloud Optimised GeoTIFF (COG) rasters.
UpgradeSentinel2 scene import now supports 4.xx and 5.xx processing baselines.
UpgradeSentinel2 scene import now supports offset and scaling factors defined in metadata to transform digital numbers to reflectance for TOA and BOA data.
UpgradeSentinel2 scene import classification codes have been upgraded for processing baseline 4+.
UpgradeSentinel2 scene import classification codes have been upgraded for processing baseline 4+.
UpgradeSentinel2 scene import now supports land and tile cloud coverage statistics.
UpgradeSentinel2 scene assembly raster now includes cloud and snow probablity rasters for BOA tiles.
UpgradeSentinel2 scene assembly raster now includes classification masks for processing baseline 4+.
UpgradeSentinel2 scene assembly raster now includes a Mask field for Level 1C (TOA) tiles using processing baseline 4+.
EnhancementThe ECW/JP2000 driver now honours the driver preferences field type strictly.
EnhancementThe ECW/JP2000 driver now supports per-band cell validity masks for continuous data fields
EnhancementThe ECW/JP2000 driver now supports null values
EnhancementFree versions now display a landing page.
ModificationLandsat QA raster data now assigns a null value for filled pixels or unsaturated pixels.
Bug FixUnder certain circumstances, virtual raster cell data and validity could be corrupted.
Bug FixTool tip reporting mode was not always being set in new windows.
Bug FixThe specified event time in a virtual raster can cause the overview pyramid cache file to regenerate.
Bug FixAn Image layer with Image, Opacity, and Mask components enabled does not apply the Mask.
Bug FixSupport for 32 and 64 bit complex numbers in TIFF files was fixed.
Bug FixExporting classified fields could cause failure.
Bug FixPreview window closed when you closed an algorithm.
Bug FixRasters loaded via GDAL did not honour the null value specified by the user in driver preferences.

Release 2.0.01 and 2.0.02

In store 29 July 2023. This is the first major release for ProRaster Scientific.

Version 2.0.02 is a maintenance release containing bug fixes and minor improvements.