ProRaster Updates
Below you will find a table of updates and the products that were updated. Details on all the features added, enhancements made, and bugs fixed can be found on this page.
Also, visit the update pages for individual ProRaster products by following the links at the bottom of the page.
Release 2.4.0 Minor Version
This release for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium, and ProRaster Essential contains new features, improvements and modifications, and bug fixes.
3D Maps provide a new way to visualise your algorithm. Add a 3D surface layer to the algorithm and drape the algorithm imagery on the 3D surface.
Release 2.3.0 Minor Version
This is a minor version upgrade for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium, and ProRaster Essential. New features include map tools (marquee zoom, distance, and area), interactive profiling, layer and group swapping, and layer grouping.
Release 2.2.17 Maintenance
This is a maintenance upgrade for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium, and ProRaster Essential. New features include the Declutter Operation and all versions now ship with the Fabio Crameri Scientific Color tables.
Release 2.2.13 Maintenance
This is a maintenance upgrade for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium, and ProRaster Essential.
Release 2.2.11 Maintenance
This is a maintenance upgrade for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium, and ProRaster Essential. It contains new features, improvements, and bug fixes.
ProRaster Scientific ships with a new Classify (polygons) operation. The Multispectral Scene Browser now supports a full rendering preview of the selected scene either as an RGB band combination with pan-sharpening and pixel masking, or as a computed spectral index.
To see a list of the new features, improvements, and bug fixes, please visit the update pages for ProRaster Essential Updates, ProRaster Premium Updates, and ProRaster Scientific Updates.
Release 2.2.09 Maintenance
This is a maintenance upgrade for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium, and ProRaster Essential. It contains new features, improvements, and bug fixes.
ProRaster Scientific ships with a new Classify (raster) operation.
To see a list of the new features, improvements, and bug fixes, please visit the update pages for ProRaster Essential Updates, ProRaster Premium Updates, and ProRaster Scientific Updates.
Release 2.2.07 Maintenance
This is a maintenance upgrade for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium, and ProRaster Essential. It contains new features, improvements, and bug fixes.
To see a list of the new features, improvements, and bug fixes, please visit the update pages for ProRaster Essential Updates, ProRaster Premium Updates, and ProRaster Scientific Updates.
Release 2.2.06 Maintenance
This is a maintenance upgrade for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium, and ProRaster Essential. It contains new features, improvements, and bug fixes.
Tag scenes in your multispectral database as “unusable” to prevent them from being used when creating products either manually or with the Create Product Sequence Wizard.
New options are available when compositing multispectral imagery. Optionally mask pixels to remove cloud or other features. Order scenes to preferentially select pixel values closest to a specified time. Otherwise, use statistics to choose each pixel value – either the median, mean, minimum, or maximum. Or, choose pixel values based on a spectral index computation. Take the pixel value for which the spectral index is minimised, maximised, or closest to a target value.
To see a list of the new features, improvements, and bug fixes, please visit the update pages for ProRaster Essential Updates, ProRaster Premium Updates, and ProRaster Scientific Updates.
Release 2.2.05 Maintenance
This is an important upgrade for ProRaster Scientific.
This mainentance reelase includes important bug fixes and performance improvements.
To see a list of the new features, improvements, and bug fixes, please visit the update page ProRaster Scientific Updates.
Release 2.2.04 Maintenance
This is an important upgrade for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium, and ProRaster Essential.
The Transform operation can now be approximated for any raster band for which statistics have been computed. WebMap Overlays provide street map overlays that do not obscure or modify the underlying raster imagery.
To see a list of the new features, improvements, and bug fixes, please visit the update pages for ProRaster Essential Updates, ProRaster Premium Updates, and ProRaster Scientific Updates.
Release 2.2.03 Maintenance
This is an important upgrade for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium, and ProRaster Essential.
The new Transform operation allows you to transform a raster using a non-linear data transform. You can apply this as a processing operation or batch processing operation to rasters or as a processing operation in a multispectral satellite product.
Many new improvements and modifications make multispectral satellite processing, rendering, and analysis more productive.
Version 2.2.03 includes important bug fixes. Critical bug fixes are included for the GeoTIFF and Cloud Optimised GeoTIFF driver.
Release 2.2.01 “The Productivity Edition”
Release 2.2.02 Maintenance
This is a minor version upgrade for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium, and ProRaster Essential.
This is a significant upgrade for ProRaster Scientific designed to greatly improve user productivity when processing, analysing, and rendering satellite multispectral imagery.
The new Product Sequence Creation Wizard eliminates tedious product creation and editing and makes building and extending sequence products easy.
The Time Control Panel makes it easy to move the time point in a rendering algorithm without editing individual component properties.
The Image Export operation now supports batch export by iterating through all time points. The numbered image sequence can be directly imported into video editing applications to generate timelapse videos of any rendering algorithm based on a sequence product.
Rendering common spectral index rasters has been made easier – the rendering algorithm automatically uses appropriately named color maps that are shipped in this version, or you can make your own.
Version 2.2.01 includes some important bug fixes and minor improvements.
Version 2.2.02 is a maintenance release for ProRaster Scientific that significantly improves performance for complicated virtual rasters and addresses bugs and minor issues.
ProRaster Premium and ProRaster Essential inherit the bug fixes and improvements from the ProRaster Scientific development, some of which are listed below.
Release 2.1.01
This is a minor version upgrade for ProRaster Scientific, ProRaster Premium, and ProRaster Essential.
This is a significant upgrade for ProRaster Scientific. Support for Sentinel2 processing baselines 4+ and 5+ has been added. Support for Landsat Collection 2 has been improved with native COG support.
Version 2.1.01 includes some important bug fixes and minor improvements.
ProRaster Premium and ProRaster Essential inherit the bug fixes and improvements from the ProRaster Scientific development, some of which are listed below.
Release 2.0.01 and 2.0.02
This is a major release for ProRaster Premium and ProRaster Essential. It is a first release candidate for ProRaster Scientific.
Version 2.0.02 is a maintenance release containing bug fixes and minor improvements.
ProRaster Premium inherits many bug fixes and improvements from the ProRaster Scientific development, just a few of which are listed below.
Release 1.0.08
This is a maintenance release for ProRaster Premium.
ProRaster now remembers the polygon table files you access and offers a recent selection list whenever you need to access a polygon table.
Rendering performance for WebMap rasters (WMS, etc.) has been improved.
This release fixes a rendering issue in the Projection Explorer dialog and bad behaviour issues with the manual zoom dialog.
Release 1.0.07
This is a maintenance release for ProRaster Premium.
A new feature allows you to define a bounding box for the algorithm, controlling the data zoom extents and imposing a rendering clipping boundary.
There are bug fixes and improvements to the Export dialog and export operation.
The hardware-accelerated rendering engine has been modified to fix a bug that caused the map to jump about at very high levels of zoom. You can now zoom in to any level.
Release 1.0.06
This is a maintenance release for ProRaster Premium.
There are improvements to WebMaps (WMS) management, a new option to create algorithms from WebMaps directly from the UI, and a new capability to add a new layer that contains a raster, raster source, or WebMap.
A number of bugs have been resolved. If you create algorithms with geographic rasters as well as local projected rasters, you will find the system handles these scenarios better.
Release 1.0.05
This is a maintenance release for ProRaster Essential and ProRaster Premium.
There are improvements to zooming, driver preferences, statistics reporting, statistics calculation and storage, and image export.
A number of bugs have been resolved. If you create algorithms with geographic rasters as well as local projected rasters, you will find the system handles these scenarios better.
Release 1.0.04
This is the final release candidate for ProRaster Essential and ProRaster Premium.
There are significant improvements to the tooltip reporting of raster values and coordinates in maps. You can also zoom the map to a variety of different bounds including coordinate system bounds, raster source bounds, and manually defined bounds.
To make it easier to manipulate classified and image palette field rasters, you can now automatically generate a color table legend for these fields. Edit the legend to modify the raster visualisation.
A number of bugs have been resolved, particularly in the blending operation for image layers, and in data – color transforms using color table legends.
Release 1.0.03
This is the first maintenance release. One bug was resolved and two additional color tables were shipped.
Release 1.0.02
This was the first release of ProRaster made to the Microsoft Store. A number of new features were introduced at this release, in addition to the core features that were planned for.
The new Publish Clipped feature is found next to the Publish button on the main dialog. When you hit this button, a file browse dialog will open and you will need to select a polygon vector file in MapInfo table format. Your algorithm will then be published to the latest version of MapInfo Pro and displayed in a map, clipped to the polygon. Large, complex polygon sets are supported.
When you are defining a clipping range for a data-color transform on the component color property page, a new button is available that sets the range to the statistical range of the data currently displayed in the map. Zoom into the area of interest, hit this button, and your color stretch will customised to fit to the data range.
All raster data is cached in memory – even if only temporarily. The size of this cache can now be controlled from the Options dialog. A small cache is the maximum of 512MB or 25% of free memory. A medium cache is the maximum of 1GB or 50% of free memory. A large cache is the maximum of 2GB of 87.5% of free memory.
The open-source GDAL driver supports many raster formats. In ProRaster Essential this is locked down to about a dozen formats that have been tested. In ProRaster Premium this is now unlocked, potentially opening up support for many more raster formats.
One of the formats now supported via GDAL in ProRaster Premium is Web Mapping Services (WMS). A small set of XML files have been shipped that you can load like any other raster format. They include Google Maps, Open Street Maps, and more. Visit this page for more information on the raster formats supported in ProRaster.
Visit the ProRaster Essential Updates page.
Visit the ProRaster Premium Updates page.
Visit the ProRaster Scientific Updates page.
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